One day Venice could by submerged by the sea, so explains the teacher at school. At night, Marco dreams of visiting - guided by a mermaid - the enchanted city at the bottom of the sea.
When he wakes up a nice surprise will remind him about the promise he made to the children and the mermaid he met in his dream.
A wonderful story by the Czech illustrator and author, Štěpán Zavřel, that tells children about Venice, its past and its future, a story flowing between dream and reality.
- Informazioni
- Autore: Štěpán Zavřel
- Illustratore: Štěpán Zavřel
- Pagine: 40
- Legatura: copertina cartonata
- Età: da 4 anni
- Formato: 20 x 29 cm
- ISBN: 978-88-32137-30-9
- Prezzo: euro 16,50
- Scarica il pdf: Assaggio di lettura